The Radical Corner

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Gimmicks, trinkets and lies

Greedy commercial sparkling fake
Regenerating his master's words
Telling me I'm not enough robot
Blindly licking up vomit so his majesty's floor is glistening
Against my snarling lips
Dreamers die slow under the square head's puppet glare
The square head: A shiny clean-shaven squeaky bright slick-faced soft-palmed pink-cheeked butt kisser with battery acid flowing in his veins who knows well the folly and hypocrisy
The money god feeding his blind obedience
Fueling the ungrateful with dissatisfied eyes
More more more faster faster faster get up lay down
Feed yourselves fat and round
Drink up ambitious slave
There's no shame at the end of a whip
No blame going down with the ship
By my hand I vow to avenge this worthless life the rich and powerful handed me
Screw your capitalism
Screw your democracy
Screw your so-called freedom
Screw lustful material gain
The hell with comfort
Screw your wars, your greed, your lies
The hell with me especially and screw you even more
Alone shadowed by great forces driven by poverty's horror
Suits and jewelry motorized beneath flashing neon lights
Sparkling energy smiling crazily for the last time
Warm cozy snug and plump
Gone and growing with grey lame sloppy years
Forgetting purity and truth
Pawning honesty for a pocketful of nickels
With belly full, warm house
Children gone and the bills and paid
No more world no more news no more war no more pain no more sick no more poor so more lost souls
Nothing new today
Propagation breeds unaccountability
Fill your belly
Buy the crap
Bury your head in a pillow made of false hopes and selfish dreams
Reducing the oak tree to a toothpick
Grinding slowly
The great machine chips away at the soft-skinned
Multitudes hoping only for a garden
Original thought vanishes in grinding teeth
Chipped and yellowed
Driven out and casted aside
Pounded down and left to rot
The thoughtful and sensitive are laughed at, ignored
Left behind the mindless gold-loving herds
The slithering agreeable masses soaking up leftovers
Dripping from the foul mouths of those despised and forgiven for as long as fat and warmth guard our prison
Fed fat repulsive well-doers wave in the centuries misleading
Newborns choke on god and spirit
Cementing eternal status quo for the unwashed masses
The sneer behind blood-stained teeth
The hungry lion paces behind ancient bars
Seeing through weary eyes with contempt
The foul meat of master so sure
In buildings erect like phallic symbols for the money dirty
Safe in the arms of god's dollar sign
So help me if there is a god it will send its boot crashing into the face of the filthy rich at the pearly gates
Love so rotten and full of lies
Cheating to feel alive
In the face of certain demise
We linger on like flowers bowing to autumn
Grasping wisps of meaning where there is none
Groping for answers just for fun
Gasping for air when life is done
Heroine like faith is a powerful healer
You phony deity
Spewing lukewarm insipid contentment
Feed me drugs until the end and I will have lived in heaven.
Staff Writer: Barons, July 5 2005

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